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Testers will check and report that the game works, is easy to use, has actions that make sense, and contains fun gameplay.
The primary function will be the discovery and documentation of software defects (bugs).
Testers will go through the app gauging the visually-induced disturbances that cause disorientation and other symptoms of discomfort.
We have vetted testers and a client driven rating system.
Google Daydream, Samsung Gear, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Microsoft Mixed Reality, Google Cardboard, Microsoft Hololens
Testing can be done across multiple platforms and hardware configurations for performance and compatibility.
Testing a game running for a prolonged period of time in various modes – idle, paused, and at title screen.
Testers can run tests after bug fixes are reported and worked on to close bug ticket or report other problems.
We can have a large group of testers or software that emulates heavy activity to measure the games capability to function correctly.
A graphical representation of data that will show where a tester is looking, where attention drops off, and what may cause issues.
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